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Blessings of Love and Beauty

Rosalind Graham

Whatever the time of day, I encourage you to take a pause and simply connect with the loving kindness and compassion that lives inside of you. The simple act of doing that will make it easier for you to speak, behave, act and make choices in ways that are congruent with your highest aspirations.

I reach out with love, compassion and support to you all.

In order to live a compassionate life, we must look though the eyes of our personal blessings in order to see through the eyes of compassion.

It takes a miracle to truly see our blessings and a miracle is simply a shift in how we perceive something.

It is usual, when sending a message such as this, to begin with the phrase 'good morning' (or afternoon or evening). Whatever time of day it is for you right now, let us take a moment to consider this greeting.

Every day is unique. No two days are exactly the same, regardless of how mundane your routine may be. Each 24 hours contains light and dark, good and bad, happy and sad and consequent painful and pleasurable moments to one degree or another.

If we make a decision, and a commitment, to seek out and focus on all that is positive, uplifting and inspiring, then any day can be transformed for the better.

Once we realise the enormity of blessings that surround us, we feel uplifted and that resulting ascension of our spirit connects us more vibrantly to our compassion.

Once we feel nourished we can nourish others.

So if you aspire to leading a compassionate life, a good place to start is by noticing all the beauty and love contained within your day - every day.

Blessings are like essential oil, they do not need to be grandiose in size; there is great potency hiding within the essence of our daily existence.

So I shall rephrase my 'good morning' (or afternoon or evening) greeting to you all and change it into 'seek and find good today’.

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