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Welcome to all new members!

Rosalind Graham

This is such an exciting time for us here at the Karuna Unity as we experience the coming together of compassionate vegan souls from all parts of the world. We open our hearts in welcome to those who have passionately and tirelessly devoted their lives to reducing animal suffering at the hands of humanity, to those who have delved into the darkest corners of our Mother Earth's decline in order to awaken society to her desperately depleted state, and to those who invest their days in educating others how to reclaim their health through a vegan diet. The Karuna Unity is a vision that is rapidly becoming boldly manifest. It is a vision of a united global family of compassion that contains within it the ineffable power of its united aspirations. It is a dream that has been born; so that our children can inherit the legacy of a sustainable, healthy and compassionate world of love and beauty. The Karuna Unity provides the vital opportunity for vegans from all incentives to unite as one voice, one passion, one action. Respect plays a key role in the ethos of the Karuna Unity. This includes respect for each vegan group or initiative maintaining their individual identity, whilst uniting with other vegan groups to form the critical healing mass needed to avoid global catastrophe. Together, if we rise to this challenge with fortitude and determination, the vegans of the world can secure a supreme future for our Mother Earth and all sentient beings whose lives depend upon her. Our mission has begun ... .

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